More Gothic Plants For Your Garden.

 cosmos-black-swallowtail.jpgCosmos have a wonderful burgundy-black flower that is a great plant for the Gothic garden. It has a slichocolate-cosmos.jpgght chocolate scent so  it can be used in a fragrant garden ( not for eating!.) It is a  wonderful plant and although an annual, it does self-seed.  You may also like to try another Gothic type plant, the  sunflower. They are an easy growing plant and they come in many deep reddish colors , all with dark centers.
Although we are used to daylilies in lovely bright colors, they also come in dark colors such as;
Smoking gun
Midnight Magic
Night wings
Cairo Night

 I just love ” Buddleias” in all colors , but for my Gothic garden I chose ” Black Night” with it’s blue black flowers, and this plant attracts Butterflys, with it’s lovely fragrance.
There are also ornamental plants that have a sinister appeal, Black Mondo grass is another favorite for the garden , it gives quite a dramatic effect, Nigrescnes is not actually a grass, it has purple-black leaves and small pink flowers, which are followed by glossy black berries.

 The Ornamental Sweet Potato has a lovely cultivar called “Blackie” , this Gothic plant, has black leaves and stems. I use it extensively in my hanging baskets and containers, or you may use it on a trellis or garden arbor. You can sit under your arbor and enjoy the lovely leaves that cascade down, from this plant.

 The last plant, but not the least, is Carpet Bugle. It has a  variety called “Royalty” which has midnight purple leaves and can be used as a ground cover.

It is hardy enough for the dead to walk on it!!

‘meet you on the dark side.

One Response to “More Gothic Plants For Your Garden.”

  1. […] really don’t think that the appeal for black flowers  has  anything to do with mourning flowers at funerals.  I used to work in a flower shop, and we […]

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